Top 5 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
Energy-efficient homes are becoming increasingly popular, especially in recent years as homeowners become more interested in sustainability and living environmentally friendly lifestyles. Many individuals have a common misconception that in order for one to achieve this objective, they’d have to either have to move or make major renovations to their current home; however this is not the case.
There are several ways you can make your home more energy efficient! We’ve outlined the top 5 steps you can take to make your home more energy efficient. Not only are these changes better for the environment, but saves you money in the long run.
(1) Routine Tune-Up of Your HVAC System
A tune-up on your heating and cooling system annually ensures that your furnace and A/C are running at peak efficiency, which will save you money month to month. Tuning up your HVAC system can also help you avoid replacing your furnace, which can cost pretty much amount.
(2) Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs
If you have the older type of light bulbs in your home, then you may find that you are using much more energy than you have to. This is why so many people are switching to fluorescent bulbs. They can last up to 12 times longer than a regular incandescent bulb will. They may be a bit more upfront, but over time you end up conserving energy and saving you money.
(3) Power Down Gadgets not in Use
This may seem like an obvious suggestion; but you wouldn’t believe how many people leave on items such as idle printers, desktop computers, laptops, and other items. You can even try to switch off your refrigerator if you and your family are planning to go away on vacation for an extended period of time. These savings may seem small but they add up to a great amount of energy saved being conscious of these small changes.
(4) Improve the Insulation in Your Home
Inefficient insulation during the cold winter months could let a great amount of heat. That means that your heater has to work harder to heat your home. Not only does this scenario cost you more money, but it bad for the environment.
(5) Consider Replacing Your Windows
Some of the older types of windows aren’t as energy efficient as you would like for them to be. Your windows can also cause you to lose a lot of heat during the winter but also cause you to lose cool air during the summer. This can really be detrimental to your energy costs as well over the year.